ICD is owned by parent company (SCS) Student Counseling Services & and so all above mentioned policies also apply SCS as well.
Reviews of Results and Appeals allow candidates the opportunity to ensure that the marking moderation processes carried out by ICD and our awarding bodies and for a particular assessment were followed correctly. Review of Results and Appeals allow candidates to ensure that the result issued to them is fully justified including any scaling and/or special consideration decisions, and/or Academic Misconduct penalties.
ICD’s Review of Results and Appeals Policy relates to marking and moderation procedures and their application only, and not matters of academic judgement . Appropriate grounds for appeal include the belief that documented processes have not been followed correctly, an error occurred during the calculation of marks, and/or that a special consideration or academic misconduct penalty has been incorrectly applied. Where a Review of Results or Appeal reveals that the original result awarded to a candidate is higher than justified by their work, the grade awarded may be lowered. Where a Review of Results or Appeal raises doubt over the marks awarded to any number of further candidates, this will be investigated fully in order to ensure that the marks issued to all candidates are correct.
1. If you disagree with the decision regarding your admission or any you must discuss the matter with the concerned faculty member and/or the Administrator as soon as possible to see if a mutually satisfactory solution can be reached.
2. If you are unable to resolve the matter informally, you may file an appeal with the Institute. You must file your appeal no later than 30 days after the final grade is posted for the course you reference in your appeal. In case of an appeal regarding the admission decision, the appeal should be filed no later than the first week after the commencement of the course you refer.
3. You must complete an Admission/Academic Appeal Request Form available at and submit it to the Admin department. Under “Details of the Request for Admission/Academic Appeal” include the nature of your appeal, the reasons for your appeal, and any information which would help the committee when considering your appeal. You must obtain the signature of the Administrator on the Appeal form acknowledging that you have completed the informal process. You must include the following with the completed form:
Your appeal will be considered as soon as possible by an Appeal Committee made up of a Course Administrator, two academic staff/faculty and one member from the assessment department who were not involved in the original decision. You will be notified of the date, time, and place of the meeting and invited to confirm your participation at the meeting.
4. The Chair of the Appeal Committee will gather information from relevant parties such as the registration department, faculty, Test Centre staff, exam invigilators, etc.
5. Both you and the registration staff/faculty member involved in the ad mission/academic decision under appeal will be invited to address the appeal committee (both of you will be scheduled at different times so as not to be in the meeting at the same time). Each of you may elect to bring an observer to accompany you to the appeal meeting. The observer will not be permitted to speak.
6. The outcome of the appeal will be communicated to you in writing within two weeks of the appeal meeting.
You may apply for a Re-Appeal Committee decision based on the following grounds:
1. You must complete an Appeal Assessment Form available at You must submit your completed Appeal Assessment Form to the Office of the Project Director, Academic no later than two weeks (for Academic re-appeal) and one week (for admission re-appeal) from the date on the Appeal Committee’s written decision to you. You must include the following with the completed form:
2. The Re-Appeal Committee will be made up of a standing committee of faculty, senior administrators and a student representative from ICD none of whom was involved in the original Appeal Committee. The committee will be chaired by the Project Director, Academics.
3. The Re-Appeal Committee will not re-hear the appeal but conduct a paper review to determine if there are grounds for a re-hearing. The decision of the Appeal Assessment Committee is final.
4. If the Re-Appeal Assessment Committee determines there are grounds for reconsideration it will convene a new Appeal Committee. Members of the new Appeal Committee will not be the same members who heard your first Appeal. Relevant information will be shared with the new Appeal Committee.
The decision of the second appeal committee will be final.
For further information, please consult the Admin Office at ICD.
Institute of Career Development (ICD) intends that there be no cause to complain about the quality of our services.
We will act fairly, courteously, legally and without bias or prejudice in all such matters and those who choose to submit a complaint will not be disadvantaged in any way by doing so.
ICD will endeavour to resolve all problems quickly and efficiently, in a timely manner.
We are committed to providing the best possible service and we welcome all forms of feedback.
However all fees paid for the classes/courses is non-refundable and non-transferable.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction by any customer regarding the quality of service provided by ICD.
We aim to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Complaints can be made by filling in the ‘feedback form’ available at our website ( in the ‘Apply online’ section. Alternatively, complaints can be filed through email. All complaints made through email should be sent to
Complaints can also be made at our Helpline 03111 999 100 (Ext#5). Please note that calls at this number are recorded for quality assurance and follow up purposes. Once received, the complaint will be passed to the team that is best placed to investigate and resolve it. We aim to respond to all complaints within 3 working days of receipt.
Please note complaints sent through the post may take several days to reach us and may result in a longer response time.
If complaints are made verbally by telephone, a written account of the enquiry, filling in the online form, will also need to be submitted by the complainant before we will investigate it.
Occasionally, depending on the nature of the complaint, we may need longer than 3 days to issue a full response. If this is the case, we will contact the complainant via email or post after 3 days to provide an update on our progress.
All complaints, of any nature, will be investigated thoroughly and evidence gathered from relevant sources. The investigation will be coordinated by the appropriate investigating manager who will seek advice and input from other relevant colleagues, as necessary and appropriate.
Institute of Career Development (ICD) is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity in all aspects of its operations and practices. We are committed to ensuring everyone using our services is treated fairly, with respect and dignity and in accordance with current UK equality and diversity legislation.
All ICD staff are required to fully support this equality and diversity policy.
ICD is committed to the prevention of discrimination and actively promotes equality and diversity in access and entitlement to its qualifications and services regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race, nationality, marital status, religion, belief or disability.
Discrimination in the context referred to in this policy may take many forms including but not limited to the following:
ICD will meet its commitments in this policy by ensuring its teaching and learning programmes and support services for learners:
To ensure this policy is understood and supported ICD will:
ICD is fully aware of the need for this policy and it forms part of their written contract with various awarding bodies. It is also referred to in the application and documents which need to be completed to become a Centre. ICD will endeavour to respond promptly and efficiently in the event of a member of staff or learner reporting an incidence of inequality or discrimination. All questions or suspected breaches of this policy should be referred to the Director in the following ways:
By email:
By post: 107-Mamdot Block, Mustafa Town, Main Wahdat Road, Lahore, Pakistan
By phone: +92 3111 999 100 (Ext. 1)
1.1 Institute of Career Development (ICD) is committed to ensuring the continuing health, safety and welfare of its employees and students. We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons who may be affected by the company’s activities. We will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that statutory duties are met at all times.
1.2 ICD is committed to this documented Health & Safety Policy, designed to promote health, safety and welfare at work of all our employees/students by achieving the following:
1.3 The safety of the individual will be paramount and this Policy will clearly reflect this requirement. The company will not allow, condone or connive in any unsafe practices, nor should any employee/student intentionally commit or connive with others in any unsafe act.
1.4 The company will discuss and exchange ideas relating to Health & Safety at work with their employees/students. Adequate facilities and arrangements will be maintained to enable employees/students and their representatives to raise issues of Health & Safety with the company.
1.5 Every employee/student must co-operate to enable all statutory duties to be complied with. The successful implementation of this policy requires the whole-hearted support of all levels of management and employees/students and the acceptance by each individual of the responsibilities placed upon them.
1.6 The policy and all Health and Safety documents will be reviewed annually and if necessary revised to take into account any changes in the organisational structure or in the light of legislative changes. The overall and final responsibility for Health & Safety in the company is that of Dr Osamah Qureshi: the director of ICD.
ICD will be responsible for:
2.1. Providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions within the framework of statutory regulations, set objectives for health and safety and encouraging joint consultation.
2.2. Ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable, the employees, students, contractors or members of the public are not exposed to any hazards that could adversely affect their health or safety.
2.3. Providing Health and Safety induction, safety training and education for all employees/students, as deemed necessary.
2.4. Providing safety devices and equipment and enforce their use as necessary.
2.5. Ensuring that no client, visitor or member of the public’s health and safety is affected by any of the company’s activities.
2.6. Ensuring that all work necessary to improve health and safety is carried out promptly.
2.7. Ensuring that any equipment which is unsafe, being repaired or cleaned is done according to the correct procedure.
2.8. Ensuring that risk assessments are conducted, effectively communicated to all employees and reviewed on a regular basis. Expert advice will be sought as and when required.
2.9. Ensuring that fire doors and escape routes are kept clear at all times and at least one fire evacuation exercise is carried out annually and that the fire alarms are tested weekly.
2.10. Providing adequate arrangements for employee/student’s welfare at work
2.11. Ensuring that all accidents/dangerous occurrences are investigated and take such measures to prevent a recurrence.
2.12. Ensuring that all internal safety audits are undertaken at regular intervals.
2.13. Ensuring the competence and suitability of all contractors.
Employees/students will be responsible for:
3.1. Taking reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, their fellow employees/students, clients, visitors and any other third party by keeping corridors, floors, stairs etc. free from obstruction.
3.2. Co-operating with the company in its execution of safety rules and regulations and any duty imposed under current and any future safety legislation.
3.3. The correct usage of personal protective equipment made available to them as required and wearing sensible footwear at all times.
3.4. Reporting any accident, work related illnesses, hazard, near miss, unsafe or damaged equipment to their immediate Manager at the earliest opportunity.
3.5. The correct usage of all types of guarding fitted to or associated with the equipment they are working on.
3.6. Keeping equipment and work areas in a safe and tidy condition and keeping fire exits and fire extinguishers unobstructed at all times.
3.7. Cooperating in the investigation of accidents/near misses and never indulging in any behaviour which could ca use unintentional physical harm.
3.8. Always lifting, moving or storing materials and substances in a safe manner.
3.9. Ensuring that any equipment which is unsafe, being repaired or cleaned is done according to the correct procedure
4.1. ICD will carry out a ‘suitable and sufficient’ risk assessment. The findings of the assessments will be recorded and kept for a minimum of 5 years.
4.2. Risk assessments will give a clear picture of what could go wrong and how serious an accident could be. They will enable the company to:
4.2.1. Identify workplace Hazards. (A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm)
4.2.2. Assess the Risk. (A risk is a likelihood of the hazard causing actual harm)
4.2.3. Take appropriate steps to eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents or injury (i.e. control measures).
4.3. All risk assessments will be reviewed at least once a year or if a serious accident or occurrence takes place.
5.1. ICD will ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that the need to carry out manual handling operations are avoided wherever possible.
5.2. Manual handling operations will be assessed and categorised as High, Medium or Low according to the degree of hazard associated with the operation.
6.1. Arrangements will be made whereby first aid is given quickly to people injured on the premises.
6.2. ICD will endeavour to provide adequate first aid cover at all times.
6.3. ICD will provide and maintain a first aid box and accident book. A named person will be responsible for ensuring that the first aid box is kept fully stocked.
6.4. The name of the first aiders, the location of the first aid box will be displayed at points throughout the premises.
6.5 All accidents are to be reported and recorded in the Accident Book at the earliest opportunity by a qualified First Aider, not the injured party.
7.1. Dr Osamah Qureshi is responsible for ensuring that proper reports are submitted in accordance with in-country regulations. These will be reported by the quickest possible means.
7.2 All accidents will be investigated not to apportion blame, but to establish the cause and put in place actions to prevent reoccurrence.
8.1. Any person discovering a fire will immediately raise the alarm, notify a Manager and vacate the premises by the nearest safe exit.
8.2. The Manager or the person designated to do so, should raise the alarm with the relevant Emergency Service by telephone.
8.3. Attack the fire with an extinguisher or fire blanket BUT ONLY if you are trained and it is safe to do so. DO NOT expose yourself or others to any undue risks.
8.5. When the alarm is sounded leave the premises immediately by the nearest safe exit. Whenever possible switch off equipment etc., prior to leaving ONLY if there is sufficient time to do so.
8.6. Assemble at the designated Fire Assembly Point and report to your Manager.
8.9. Get to know the means of escape provided in the building, their uses and the routine to be followed in the event of a fire.
8.10. Get to know the location of the Fire Alarm and the Fire Fighting Equipment.
8.11. The company will ensure the following; all fire exits will be checked monthly, fire extinguishers will be checked monthly and examined annually. At least one fire evacuation exercise will be carried out annually.
8.12. A fire risk assessment will be carried out by ICD.
9.1. Such substances include chemicals used for domestic and industrial cleaning also any item that could cause a fire or explosion. Prior to use, storage or disposal of any substance, the relevant Safety Data Sheets and/or assessments should be read and understood.
9.2. The company will endeavour to put control measures into place to protect employees/students and others from the hazards associated with the substance being used.
Awareness: All chemicals or substances in use are known to the Director or his/her nominee.
Use: Chemicals or substances are only used as directed by the Director or his/her nominee.
Storage: Chemicals or substances are stored only in locations approved and indicated by the Director or his/her nominee.
Disposal: Residual and waste materials are to be removed from site upon completion of any work and only disposed of in a manner directed by the Director or his/her nominee.
10.1. The company will ensure that all electrical equipment is inspected, maintained and suitable for the job in accordance with in-country regulations.
10.2. All portable electrical equipment must be visually inspected prior to use. Portable electrical equipment is defined as an appliance that can easily be moved whilst in operation like a kettle, vacuum cleaner or equipment intended to be held during normal use. These checks apply to the plugs and sockets of extension leads as well.
11.1. It will be the duty of ICD as employers to provide and maintain suitable and safe working equipment and its safe use.
11.2. ICD will ensure that;
a) Any work equipment provided is suitable for the purpose intended.
b) Work equipment is maintained and kept in good working order.
c) Employees receive adequate training and information necessary for its safe use.
d) Specific measures are taken to guard dangerous parts of machinery.
e) Risks associated with using work equipment are adequately controlled.
11.3. Any work equipment that is borrowed or hired, the company will ensure that it is fit for purpose and persons receive suitable and sufficient training in its use. If necessary, specialist training courses will be arranged.
12.1. All visitors and contractors must comply with all rules and regulations currently in force.
12.2. All contractors are expected to report their arrival and departure to ICD’s office staff before commencing work.
12.3. Contractors will not be allowed to use or borrow any equipment belonging to ICD.
12.4. Contractors must ensure that all equipment brought onto the site, including any borrowed or hired, shall be safe and suitable and shall only be used in accordance with legal requirements.
12.5. No contractor or visitor must endanger anyone else by their activities and must use the correct safety equipment and work in a safe manner.
12.6. The contractor must have adequate insurance to indemnify the company against any or all loss, injury, damage or claim which may arise directly or indirectly as a result of any act or omission on the part of the contractor.
12.7. All visitors and contractors must immediately report all accidents or near misses, even if damage or injury did not occur to ICD’s office staff.
Malpractice consists of those acts which undermine the integrity and validity of assessment, the certification of qualifications and the authority of those responsible for conducting assessment and certification.
ICD does not tolerate actions (or attempted actions) of malpractice by candidates or by staff, in connection with any exam and/or qualification offered at ICD.
ICD and the respective awarding body will impose penalties and/or sanctions on candidates or centre staff where incidents (or attempted incidents) of malpractice have been proven.
All work submitted by candidates for assessment must be the candidates’ own work. It is an offence for any candidate to be guilty of, or party to, collusion, plagiarism, or any other act which may mislead the examiners about the development and authorship of work presented in assessments, including misleading examiners about the sources of information included in an assessment. This may include:
Staff malpractice and maladministration
Malpractice is any deliberate activity, neglect, default or other practice that compromises the integrity of the assessment process and/or the validity of certificates. Maladministration is any activity, neglect, default or other practice that results in the centre or candidate not complying with the specified requirements for delivery of the qualifications. These definitions may include:
Malpractice discovered by the Centre will be investigated by the centre and reported in full to the awarding body.
A committee of three members, including the Head of Department, Director Academics and a faculty member, chaired by the Director ICD, as Head of the Centre will be formed, to investigate the matter. Director ICD, as the centre head, will investigate the matter. All evidence will be collected and examined and a written and oral statement of the people involved will be taken. Written statements will also be taken by all the staff present on the day, as well as personal interviews will be conducted, wherever deemed necessary. All rooms in ICD are equipped by CCTV cameras; the recordings of these will be taken into account. A report of this will be conscripted and appropriate action will be taken while sharing it with the relevant awarding body.
Malpractice discovered by the Centre will be investigated by the centre and reported in full to the awarding body.
A committee of three members: Head of Department, Director Academics, chaired by the Director ICD, as Head of the Centre will be formed, to investigate the matter. Director ICD, as the centre head, will investigate the matter. All evidence will be collected and examined and a written and oral statement of the people involved will be taken. Written statements will also be taken by all the staff present on the day, as well as personal interviews will be conducted, wherever deemed necessary. All rooms in ICD are equipped by CCTV cameras; the recordings of these will be taken into account. A report of this will be conscripted and appropriate action will be taken while sharing it with relevant awarding body.
The Head of the Centre and all relevant staff and candidates will provide the required support for any investigation carried out by the awarding body offering its qualifications at ICD.
Please note Cambridge Assessment English takes plagiarism very seriously. It is important that you submit your own work in your words.
Any candidate who plagiarises the work of others in their coursework can be awarded a FAIL grade for that work. The student may not get an opportunity to resubmit the work in question.
ICD recognizes the contribution of its staff to its success. We believe that a staff development approach will enable us to deliver our strategic objectives. This will enable us to attract and retain a capable staff, with appropriate skills and competencies, assuring quality in our services.
Staff development refers to all policies, practices, and procedures used to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies of staff, at an individual, team and organisational level.
Our staff development opportunities aim to deliver an appropriate balance between the wants and needs of both the individuals and the organisation, in order to optimize the potential of the staff. It is believed that such investments bring business to the organization, thus giving a return on investment.
Some staff development activity, including that subject to internal regulations and policies, will be mandatory. However, ICD will provide multiple optional professional development opportunities as well.
The policy of equal opportunities will be followed for all staff development activities Where relevant, this will be reflected in the design, content and delivery of each activity.
The main aim of the policy is to provide professional development to all staff. This includes the managers and the faculty alike. Our objectives in this regard are as follows:
Staff development needs may be identified at any point throughout the year, and are most likely to be revealed from the following:
There is a shared responsibility for the development of our staff. Primary responsibility for planning appropriate corporate staff development rests with the HR office. For this policy to be effective, it is essential that staff supports the key principle of continuous professional development and displays an ability and insight to managing their own professional growth, in addition to undertaking mandatory and relevant training for their job description.
Staff is expected to avail the development opportunities provided to enable them to keep them updated in their field of work and respond flexibly to change. This is communicated to all staff members at the time of their hiring and then again at the induction.
Corporate provision of staff development activities is arranged through HR Services, which will deliver support by:
The academic wing, through their own budgets, will provide some support for staff development and allow time for development activity of the faculty. Although those approval processes are determined locally, managers are advised to confirm that the training is consistent with their Faculty objectives and that it is cost effective.
Feedback from participants following all corporate staff development events will be regularly reviewed and content modified, as appropriate, by HR Services. All managers also have a responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness of staff development through the appraisal process.
I understand that:
I understand that:
I understand that:
Disclaimer: The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is designed to be one of many factors used by academic institutions, government agencies, professional bodies and employers in determining whether a test taker can be admitted as a student or be considered for employment or for citizenship purposes. IELTS is not designed to be the sole method of determining admission or employment for the test taker. IELTS is made available worldwide to all persons, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality or religion, but it is not recommended to persons under 16 years of age.
British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English and any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering IELTS shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, special, punitive, or similar damages arising out of access to, use of, acceptance by, or interpretation of the results by any third party, or any errors or omissions in the content thereof.
*0210158046* Copyright © UCLES 2020 | CER/6305/V3/JUN20
The following statement concerning generative artificial intelligence (AI) use for assessed work on CELTA and DELTA is subject to constant review and may be amended, re-written or revoked at any point in the future as the tools evolve and as the academic community arrive at a consensus for use.
Acceptable Use
In their assessed work on CELTA and DELTA Modules Two and Three, candidates may choose to use generative AI tools for the following purposes:
Referencing AI
Use All uses of AI must be referenced according to current accepted academic conventions. Any use of AI which is not attributed or referenced, will be treated as an attempt at malpractice (see ‘Malpractice’ and ‘Sources’ below). For all referencing, including references to use of generative AI, candidates should choose one recognized Referencing and Citation style and use it consistently throughout their assignment. The APA style is recommended for CELTA and DELTA, but other recognized styles are also accepted (see the DELTA Handbook). If APA is used, the following conventions for citing AI tools should be followed (candidates choosing other citation styles should check the conventions within their style). When using generative AI tools, a candidate should in all instances include (1) in-text citations and (2) a reference list.
Example of in-text citation: When given the prompt “explain ‘used to’ to a learner of English” the Chat GPT-generated text indicated that “the phrase ‘used to’ is used to talk about past habits, actions, or situations that were true or habitual in the past but are no longer true in the present” (Open AI, 2024).
Example of reference list: Open AI. (2024). Chat GPT (Mar 27 version) [Large language model].
Here is the above example reference broken down into its component:
If a candidate is found to have failed to acknowledge their use of AI, this will be treated as an attempt at malpractice and could lead to disqualification. Please refer to Cambridge English’s malpractice procedure for teaching qualifications.
‘Special Considerations’ means the arrangements made to modify assessments for candidates experiencing illness, injury or disability. Special Considerations can be split into two separate areas; pre-assessment and post-assessment.
Pre-assessment special considerations, which are approved before an examination or assessment, are intended to allow attainment to be demonstrated ; for example the production of a modified paper for a candidate with a visual impairment, whose need has previously been established. These are also known as reasonable adjustments.
Post-assessment special considerations, which may be given following an examination or assessment, are intended to ensure that a candidate with a temporary illness, injury or indisposition at the time the assessment is conducted is given some recognition faced. These of the difficulty he/she has are also known as extenuating circumstances.
There will be instances when a candidate is either too unwell or distressed to cope adequately with an assessment and in such cases the special consideration may be to allow the candidate to take the assessment at a later date as if for the first time, with no maximum limit on his/her attainment.
ICD has a responsibility to ensure that all its candidates have equal opportunities to reach their full potential. In some instances candidates may require adjustments to the assessment process to give them an equal opportunity.
The table below lists some examples of common special considerations or disabilities or effects that may lead to the application of pre-assessment adjustments. This is not an exhaustive list:
Special Consideration type | Examples | Typical adjustment |
Communication and Interaction | Written communications difficulties, autism, dominant hand injury | Extra time, scribe, word processor |
Cognition and Learning | Learning difficulty, dyspraxia, dyslexia | Extra time, reader, scribe |
Sensory and Physical Needs | Restricted language/vocabulary, visual impairment, colour blindness | Braille paper, large print, coloured paper, extra time |
Behavioural, Emotional and Social Needs | Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Asperger’s syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome | Prompter, rest breaks, alternative venue |
An application may be made for post-assessment special consideration either:
a. When a candidate’s performance in an examination may have been affected by circumstances beyond his/her control, for example:
– a personal trauma or upset shortly before or at the time of the examination, such as bereavement or family crisis
– a minor injury occurring immediately before the examination, such as a sprained wrist
– a sudden malfunction of the computer immediately before the examination, if it is required as part of the assessment
– a sudden malfunction of the computer immediately before the examination, if it is required as part of the assessment
– serious disturbance at the time of the exam from nearby building works
– any other circumstances as deemed acceptable by the awarding body, offering the qualification/exam.
b. When the examination is not completed due to circumstances beyond the candidate’s control, for example:
– illness part way through an examination
– disruption to the examination by external factors, such as a fire alarm or power failure.
Post-assessment special considerations are intended to allow for those who suffer sudden minor illness or injury at the time of the examination and do not include those who are injured in advance of the examination or are ill at the time. It is not advisable for a candidate who is unwell to attend for an examination, nor for those experiencing illness or injury to be assessed under disadvantageous circumstances that cannot be taken into account by the examiner.
All registrations and admission forms of ICD include a special consideration section. All students are encouraged to submit any special consideration request, at the time of registration, in response to the question ‘Do you require any special arrangements?’
In case of Post Assessment Special Consideration Request, candidates are requested to fill in the Post Exam Request form within 24 hours of the exam. The form is available in the ‘Apply Online’ section of our website:
For further information, please contact the Registration office at ICD
For any query regarding accounting matters contact:
Accounts Office ICD at or Call/WhatsApp us at +92 317 1170214
ICD is committed to protecting the privacy of our students, staff, and visitors. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information when you use our website, mobile applications, or other online services (collectively, the “Services”).
We collect information about you in a variety of ways, including:
Information you provide to us directly. This includes information you provide when you create an account, enroll in a course, or contact us for support. Examples of information we collect directly from you may include your name, email address, phone number, mailing address, and payment information.
Information we collect automatically. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of the Services, such as your IP address, browser type, device type, and referring website. We may also collect information about your online activity, such as the pages you visit and the links you click.
Information we collect from third parties. We may collect information about you from third-party sources, such as social media platforms.
We use your information to provide and improve the Services, to communicate with you, to personalize your experience, and to protect our rights and property.
We may share your information with third-party service providers who help us operate the Services, such as payment processors, web hosting providers, and email service providers. We may also disclose your information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with the law, protect our rights or property, or protect the safety of others.
We take steps to protect your information from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. These steps include using physical, technical, and administrative safeguards.
We retain your information for as long as necessary to provide the Services, to comply with our legal obligations, or to resolve disputes.
You have the following choices regarding your information:
Access your information. You can request to access your personal information by contacting us at
Correction and deletion of your information. You can request to correct or delete your personal information by contacting us at
Opting out of marketing communications. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications from us by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in any marketing email you receive from us.
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the updated Privacy Policy on our website and by sending you an email.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at
ICD is owned by parent company (SCS) Student Counseling Services & and so all above mentioned policies also apply SCS as well.